On 27 January 1794 the Times reported "very great preparations at Havre de Grace, for a descent in this country". Fifty thousand men were rumoured to be taking part in this expedition, which marked the beginning of a series of invasion scares punctuating the course of Britain's war effort against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France from 1794 to 1812.[1]
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View of the Armée d'Angleterre at Boulogne, with the British blockade (Wikimedia Commons) |
The government had no alternative but to rely on auxiliary forces. In 1793 that meant the militia. Each county submitted annual returns to the Privy Council of all men aged 18 to 45, and the militia was raised by ballot from these lists to serve for five years.
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Thomas Rowlandson: review of the Northamptonshire Militia at Brackley (Wikimedia Commons) |
They received uniforms, weapons, training, and a salary at government expense, but were not to be sent outside Great Britain (even Ireland was out of bounds, although exceptions were made in 1798 due to the rebellion). At the peak of the invasion scares the militia was nearly 90,000 men strong.
The country gentlemen, who traditionally supported government, were liable to kick up a fuss if they thought the militia principle was being challenged. "The word 'Militia' in its operations on Lord-Lieutenants & Country Gentlemen is like the fabulous effect of music on persons stung by the Tarentula [sic]," Lord Auckland remarked wryly.[4] Prime Minister Pitt was careful to meet with lords lieutenant, magistrates, mayors, and militia officers to discuss legislation that had the potential to affect the constitution of the militia. The militia officers in Parliament were well aware of their power, and not afraid to use it.
The Volunteers
A second more broad-ranging call for Volunteers was made in 1798, and a third in 1803, when the government funded uniforms, provided weapons, and provided the Volunteers with a salary while on “permanent duty” (in other words, whenever called out to defend the country). A vast number of men flocked to serve: in 1804, at their peak, there were 450,000 Volunteers.
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Review of the London Volunteer Cavalry (1804) (Wikimedia Commons) |
Women were, of course, barred from joining the Volunteers, but the women of one town, Neath, petitioned the Prime Minister to allow them to be armed with pikes to protect their children and homes from invasion.[5]
As the prospect of long-term threat from invasion became increasingly likely, the political pendulum swung more firmly against the volunteers and in favour of a more permanent professional force. In 1806 William Windham, Secretary of State for War, removed government funding for the Volunteers, which effectively killed them off.
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"The Washing-Tub Expedition": Isaac Cruickshank's take on Napoleon's threat of invasion (Wikimedia Commons) |
By this time, however, Britain had been at war for nearly twenty years with only a short break in 1802-3. Perhaps a quarter of the male population had served militarily in some way, either as a soldier, militiaman, or volunteer. The social (and political) consequences of the “British Armed Nation”, as J.E. Cookson has called it, were long-ranging.
[1] Times, 27 January 1794
[2] Memorandum as to Defence, 15 July 1804, Kent RO Camden MSS U840/O211/2
[3] Times, 24 September 1798; Memorandum on Instances of the escapes of the French from Brest during the Blockade, National Maritime Museum Melville MSS MEL/3
[4] Auckland to Dundas, 15 September 1799, Scottish National Library Melville MSS 9370 ff 36-7
[5] Petition from the women of Neath, 19 September 1803, Devon Record Office Sidmouth MSS 152M/C1803/OZ/94
[6] Dundas to the Duke of Montrose, 15 November 1795, Scottish National Archives Melville MSS GD51/876/2
Governments and Acts
The politics of national defence in the 18th century was rather confusing. The following list of governments, and the major defence acts passed under them, might help:
William Pitt, 1783 - 1801
- April 1794: Volunteer Circular calling for volunteers under local control
- 1796: Supplementary Militia Act providing for 60,000 extra militia
- July 1797: Scottish Militia Act introduces militia ballot to Scotland
- April 1798: Defence Act and Circular calling for more volunteers
- June 1802: Militia Act restructuring the militia (75,000 total)
- June 1803: Circular calling for more volunteers
- June 1803: General Defence Act preparing nation for invasion
- July 1803: Army of Reserve Act establishing 50,000 additional auxiliary force
- July 1803: Levy en Masse Act to train all able-bodied men aged 17-55
- March 1804: Volunteer Consolidation Act consolidating all legislation affecting the volunteers
- June 1804: Additional Force Act combining Army of Reserve and Supplementary Militia into 80,000 strong force raised by ballot
- July 1806: Training Act provides for balloting 200,000 strong force (never implemented)
- June 1808: Local Militia Act: force fo 320,000 in Britain, 70,000 in Ireland, separate from the Militia and encouraged to enlist in regulars
Further Reading
The most important studies of defence politics during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars are as follows:
About the Author
Jacqui Reiter has a Phd in 18th century political history. She believes she is the world expert on the life of the 2nd Earl of Chatham, and is writing a novel about his relationship with his brother Pitt the Younger. When she finds time she blogs about her historical discoveries at http://alwayswantedtobeareiter.wordpress.com/.